The story of SKY GODZ takes place during the Great Lyran Wars and beyond. After the fragmentation of the Lyran shards, the battle lines between the different fractions have been hardened and the Orion Empire has been taken over most of the galaxy, with only the Galactic Federation being a beacon of light. Earth was chosen as the battleground for this cosmic conflict and has been occupied by various races since its creation.

Stargazer Lyra will take us to the source. What has been described as “creation” is its fragmentation. The source was passing through a white hole, like light passing through a prism and being fragmented, it was shattered into seven vibratory density levels. The whole understood that the purpose of this experience was to reintegrate from a point of separation, to become whole again. This “Big Bang” event not only created a fractured whole, but also created the stars, planets, gases and molecules that made up physical realities. The first beings to emerge from this event were the Founders. They seeded races on many planets, but also encouraged duality in an effort to encourage friction, challenges and opposition.

“Join us on a journey into the depths of our cosmic orgins to unite the universe!”

Find out more about SKY GODZ:

Play the SKY GODZ Tales games

Immerse yourself in the SKY GODZ - Stargazer RPG and Defi game on your web browser and your PC.

Watch the STARGAZER anime

An alien race came from the skies to earth amid an imminent cosmic war to become the gods of ancient times.

Read the SKY GODZ Tales webtoon

After the Lyran fragmentation, the races in the Lyra system struggle for survival against the invading Ciakar Draco forces.

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