Play games, watch animes and read webtoons, all in one tokenized environment.
Web3 Games
Exciting defi and video games featuring the main players from the SKY GODZ universe. Play for rewards, weapons and cosmic energy and level up your assets.
NFT Collections
Various NFT Collections to give you access to the games and other activities in the Stardapp. Use the NFTs to level up your assets and earn tokens in the games.
Web3 is instant shared value
The LOTUS Token is the utility token of the SKY GODZ ecosystem with a lower supply than Stardust and will be used to vote, transact und trade within the Stardapp as well as external exchanges.
The STARDUST Token is the in-game and reward token for all activities in the Stardapp as well as the entire SKY GODZ universe. It works in tandem with the LOTUS Token and has higher supply.
Awesome Experiences in the Stardapp
WEB3 is the most active way to participate in the SKY GODZ Universe. Own all your assets, vote on the future of your planet’s community and trade and share with other founders.
Play the Game and collect Assets
Watch the anime and interact with the storyline
Read the webtoon and own, collect and trade it
Play the Stargate Defi game and level up your assets
Mint Tokens & NFTs
Buy, sell and trade NFTs in the marketplace
Get started in 4 easy steps:
Launch Stardapp
Get NFTs & Tokens
Anime & Webtoons
Stargazer RPG
Resources & Tutorials (coming soon)
Beginners Guide
New to the blockchain and crypto? We put together some useful tips as well as a quick-start-guide to get you going with our enDAPP.
We put together some useful step-by-step guides and video tutorials for you to get the most out of our enDAPPs and digital products.
The SKY GODZ whitepaper will give you all the the necessary technical information to make an informed decision to become part the SKY GODZ community.